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Updated: Jan 1, 2023

Being an artist is one of the most fulfilling vocations on earth! I definitely had to look up a word describing what I feel because 'job' isn't the right one.

(second language problems LOL)

Sharing art isn't work. Meeting wonderful creative people isn't work.

I am in awe of the love filled community we have built together.

May we continue to grow, explore & create.

So to kick of 2023 I give you a free tutorial, made with a lot of love!

(it is very hard to make videos lol)

Painting outside. Again.

At the moment I am taking the time to really dive back into making art for myself and to work on my art journal practice. I am always so fast and need to slow down.

For now I like to get in the car, with snacks and water and to drive around looking for cool things to paint.

Last week I took a trip down to Long Beach, Pales Verdes and discovered so many cool areas. I was standing on top of a cliff at Roessler Point and was overwhelmed by the all the feelings of looking at beautiful nature.

I also stop by the South Coast Botanic Garden. I walked around in the gardens and went to the butterfly habitat. Definitely the highlight of the day. I did a quick sketch and painting while sitting among the butterflies. So cool.

I am so ready to do more plein air painting but summer heat has other plans. Basically the sun doesn't like me that much. So in my opinion it is ok then to take a photo and paint it later.

The pro is, there is AC... comfortable chair, desk etc.

The con is you are much slower and more detailed.

I always try to do all kinds of styles and find what is working for me in different situations.

Practice give confidence. You do not need perfection in art. You need not to stop. To grow confidence. And to have fun creating.

I took a few photos in Main street, Old Town Tustin. Painted at home.

cute buildings
Main street, Old Town Tustin

Watercolor art by Erna van Dyk
Main street, Tustin watercolor art by Erna van Dyk

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